Tuesday 6 October 2015

Day 11 - Last night in Seoul

cannot believe that our trip is coming to an end. It has been such an awesome experience with well planned activities and presentations.
The day started with our wonderful breakfast at the T Mark Hotel followed presentations by the New Zealand and Australian delegates.

Sean introduced Mr. Jee and Ms Jeong from the Korea Foundation. Mr. Jee delivered a speech and explained the various initiatives that the Korean Foundation does to create awareness globally about South Korea. The speeches were followed by some really exciting presentations by the Kiwi and Aussie delegates.
Each member of the Korea Studies Workshop presented some really good ideas of how they can incorporate their experience with their professional career. Everyone had something different to contribute which explains how diverse Korea is. Some of the topics discussed were education, sustainability, geographical skills, culture, disparities and many others. After the presentations the New Zealand and Australian delegates performed a Waiata (song) Te Aroha and the Waltzing Matilda respectively.

Our guests were really impressed with the quality and knowledge we have gained from our visits. Sean thanked Mr. Jee and Ms Jeong for taking out their time and part taking in the presentations.

The gifting and presentations officially came to an end with a group photo.

It was not over yet as we had one more important gift to present and it was no other than our number 1 guide – Stephanie. She has been so wonderful during the whole trip and made things so easy for us even in the most difficult times. She has been guiding us around and with her immense knowledge we have learnt so much. Thanks Amma.
Stephanie was really happy and did say that we have been an awesome group of teachers and professionals in the trip. When Steph smiles it means she is happy….

Fiona thanked Sean on behalf of the delegates. Sean has made this trip a success with his leadership qualities. He has been taking care of everyone one at all times and this shows how great he is as a person. Thanks Sean.

The boys dreams were fulfilled as they had a selfie with the beautiful guide Stephanie.

Visit the Korea Focus website for an in depth information about their contribution to a broader understanding of Korean society in the international community and promoting Korean studies at academic institutions abroad. It is circulated among major international organizations, universities, libraries, Korean studies institutes and individual researchers in some 150 countries. Here is a link to an electronic magazine they produce http://www.koreafocus.or.kr/design3/index.asp

The night concluded with yet another wonderful dinner. Thanks again Sean. The hot and spicy octopus was delicious. With this said, everyone enjoyed the dinner and shared jokes and stories.

 Goodbye Seoul and we all are hoping to be back again at some time in our lives..


  1. Hi I found this post and I am hoping you can help. I believe your tour guide Stephanie is the same lady who served as my tour guide on a business related trip several years ago. She was great! I am taking another trip to Seoul soon and can use a guide and translator. Would you happen to have her or her company's contact information?

  2. Hi Jay, If you contact Supreya Blyth from AEF (she liaises with the in-country providers eg. the company Stephanie works for) she should be able to help. ‎

  3. Replies

    1. Stephanie works for Exodus company. You may need to contact Elizabeth from Exodus via email below:

      Cheers Fiona
